Personal security for 7 presidents in Malta, June 2019
Securing the stay of 7 Presidents at the South EU Summit in Malta

For the South EU Summit in Malta, the Maltese government asked us to provide safe protection and transport for the presidents and prime ministers of the Mediterranean region (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and the host Malta).
First, our armoured limousines were shipped from Germany to Malta and stationed at the military base there. We secured the airport transfers and the presidential transports to the Maltese seat of government and the government palace.
In this context, we would like to emphasise the extremely good and courteous cooperation with the government, military and police officials.
In a personal meeting, we invited President Emmanuel Macron to a sightseeing tour in the Allgäu. VIP-Mobile was able to successfully execute this order to the full satisfaction of the Maltese government.
Preparations for the mission in Malta
In order to be able to guarantee the protection of the presidents on site, we first transport our armoured limousines to Genoa by heavy transport and then shipped the vehicles to Malta.

Arrival in Malta
Once at the military base in Malta, special government markings were applied. In addition, the armoured vehicles were flagged with the corresponding nationality of the passenger.
Pick-up of VIPs directly from the airport tarmac
Video clip of President Emmanuel Macron arriving at the Parliament building in Valetta
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Plus d'informationsContinue to the Presidential Palace
After the Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat, had duly welcomed all participants of the South EU Summit event and all important topics had been discussed, we escorted the company safely to the next destination of the event. The presidential palace.
Large line-up to pick up the presidents to the airport
After the meeting of the heads of state, we escorted the presidents safely back to the airport.
We then shipped our armoured limousines back home.