Visit of the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, April 2019
VIP-Mobile secured the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister to Vienna.
Following the launch of the FTA in early February, top EU and Japanese delegates will meet in Austria for a summit to discuss, among other things, World Trade Organisation (WTO) reform, the next G20 summit and Brexit.
Even before Shinzō Abe’s actual visit, security checks were in full swing. Specially trained sniffer dogs of the Austrian police searched our armoured Audis for explosives to counteract any eventuality of an attack.
VIP-Mobile’s armoured limousines, complete with chauffeur and escort vehicles, picked up Shinzō Abe directly from the airport. On site, the VIP Mobile team secured the entire stay of the Prime Minister from 24.0-25.04.2019 in close cooperation with the Austrian police. This includes escorting the delegate from the airport to the hotel and to business meetings. Throughout the operation, there were no difficulties and the PM was able to comfortably get back on his machine on 25.04.
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