Operation Fields

In operation throughout Europe with three base locations — VIP-Mobile

We are deployed across Europe with our armored limousines and chauffeurs. From our three locations in Germany, Italy and Portugal, we can reach zones 1 and 2 immediately within 24 hours. The tariffs/prices result from the zones.

We are active in the following countries:

Zone 1

  • Germany (base):
    Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart etc.
  • Portugal (base):
    Oporto, Lissabon etc.
  • As well as all German and Portuguese cities

Zone 2

  • Netherlands (Holland) — Amsterdam
  • Belgium — Brussels
  • Poland — Warsaw
  • Czech Republic — Prague
  • Austria — Vienna
  • Switzerland — Geneva
  • Great Britain — London
  • France — Paris, Nizza und Marseilles
  • Spain- Bilbao, Madrid und Marbella
  • Denmark — Copenhagen
  • …and all other places in these countries

Zone 3 and 4

  • Italy — Rome
  • Malta
  • Croatia — Zagreb
  • Hungary — Budapest
  • Slovakia — Bratislava
  • Marocco — Rabatt
  • Irland — Dublin
  • Estonia — Tallinn
  • Latvia — Riga
  • Lithuania — Vilnius
  • Belarus — Minsk
  • Ukraine — Kiew
  • Moldova — Chișinău
  • Romania — Bucharest
  • Turkey — Ankara
  • and many other European countries