Helicopter Service

Relaxed to destination — with the helicopters of VIP Mobile

For our VIP guests, we offer an exclusive helicopter service including personal protection throughout Europe. Helicopters can be booked subject to availability and are three times faster than an armored vehicle at your destination.

Augusta Bell A 109 Power

Modern VIP Helicopter with twin engine, suitable for all-weather operation

  • IFR equipped
  • Gground clearance radar
  • Autopilot
  • A quiet, fast and comfortable travel helicopter for armoured transport or business travel.
  • Air conditioning, leather seats and minibar.

EC 130

  • AS 350 B3
  • Bell 206 Jet Ranger
  • Single Engine
  • VIP interior
  • Newest construction materials
  • Hhighly modern technology
  • Ground clearance radar for business travel and armoured transport